The Four Saucemen Brisket Recipe - "The Holy Grail of BBQ"
The Four Saucemen Brisket Steps “The Holy grail of BBQ”
This recipe is designed for a 6-10kg Brisket
Choosing your Brisket – There is now a great selection of brisket available in NZ. From small to large, NZ grown grass-fed and/or grain-finished Wagyu, Aussie imports, and the USA's finest. When I choose a brisket, I look for one with good fats, marbling and a thick flat. Then the choice becomes whether you prefer the grass-fed beef flavour from NZ the grain-fed option from the USA. Most of these cuts are now grass-fed, grain-finished. If you are unsure just ask your butcher. The point end of the brisket is fatty and forgiving. The flat is where most of us get frustrated.
Ingredients –
- The Four Saucemen “The Beef Rub”1 Large Brisket (Whole)
- Olive oil as a binder. This will help the rub to stick to the beef.
- Tinfoil tray, large enough to fit the beef.
- Tinfoil to cover or wrap / quality peach paper.
- Dark beer
- Beef broth or stock
- 1 onion chopped.
- One great bottle of red for the chef and a couple of beers for good measure.
Spritz Ingredients-
- 1-part Worcestershire Sauce
- 1-part clear apple juice
- 1-part apple cider vinegar
- 1-part water.
- Mix in a spray bottle or similar. ($5 from Mitre 10)
Step 1 Open a beer and repeat if necessary. Open a good bottle of red to breathe. There is no one recipe for brisket, each one will vary depending on breed, fat content, size.
Step 2 Set your BBQ or smoker up for indirect cooking at 250f-275f with smoking wood. We use Oak in our Lonestar Grillz Offset Smoker and hickory in our Big Green Egg. You can use others and play with other flavours. Having a stable temp is a must. If your brisket looks lean allow a lower temp.
Step 3 Allow the brisket to come to room temp. This can take hours depending on the climate, it is a big piece of meat. Trim off any silver skin and hard fat on the brisket. Leave the soft fats as they will protect the brisket. Take your time it is worth it. 30 minutes before cooking apply a thin layer of olive oil and sprinkle The Four Saucemen “The Beef Rub” on all sides of the meat.
Step 4 (4 plus hours) Place the prepared beef on your BBQ. Fat side up on an offset and fat side down on the Big Green Egg. We use a drip pan to catch the fat drippings, this also makes clean up easier. Smoke uncovered for 4ish hours. Spritz every hour. Check the colour of the beef. It should be a dark brown colour by now. If you are running an internal thermometer it should be reading 150-160f approximately. Check the bark and make sure it is set. Gently run your finger over it to see if it smudges. If it holds it good to go to step 5.
Step 5 (4-6 plus hours depending on size and fat content.) At this point prepare your foil tray with the dark beer, beef broth and chopped onion. (you can also try wine, port, or beef stocks). Have enough liquid so you have 15-20mm in the base of the tray. You want these ingredients to be at least room temp. Place the brisket in the foil tray insert your temp probe if using one, and cover/seal tightly with the tin foil. Alternatively, wrap in good quality peach paper with some of the above liquid and the chopped onion. If you are using a Bluetooth style meat thermometer, insert after you cover with the paper. I prefer to place this is the side of the brisket.
Return wrapped/covered brisket to the smoker Once you hit around the 200f mark you will want to “feel” the brisket.
Step 6 Brisket “Feel” Push your instant-read thermometer into the meat. Not too deep that you pierce right through. It should feel like room temp butter and have little resistance in or out. If it is not quite there return the brisket to the smoker and check on the “feel” at stepped intervals. 203f, 207f, 210f etc until it probes soft all over. The point end of your brisket will achieve this first. Once you have felt this you want to replicate this” feel” in the flat. Check the “feel” all over the brisket. Once you have achieved this “feel” pick the brisket up. One hand under each side. It should feel floppy. This is a good reference for your next cook. I always do this, so I learn more about the “feel” of cooked brisket. Internal temps will vary anywhere from 200f to 215f plus.
Step 7 “The Rest” Unwrap your brisket and let it sit in the juices. Allow the steam to escape. This will take 15 minutes plus. Re-wrap and place a towel around the special package. Place in a cooler/chilli bin/esky for two hours if you can wait! Grab another beer.
Slice the flat at 90 degrees to the grain of the meat. Point options, burnt ends or slices.
Brisket is extremely versatile. It can be used in burgers, soups, pies, pizza topping or just the way I like it, freshly sliced on white bread with a little homemade reduced gravy and mustard mmmmmmmmm
Now pour that glass of red and enjoy!
If you have followed these steps your brisket will be better than my first mmm quite a few.
Wishing you all the BBQ success
Sarah and Adam
The Four Saucemen